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Average Sold Prices

Description: Retrieve the average sale price for a particular sub-area type within a particular area.
Access URI: http://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/average_sold_prices

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Input parameters

In addition to the standard area location parameters, the input parameters detailed below are also accepted.

Key name Description
area_type area_type Type of list to request, which depends on the value of output_type below. If “output_type” is county and “area_type” is “street” then the list produced will be streets within the county. Valid values are below:
Value of output_type Possible values for area_type
  • streets
  • postcodes
  • streets
  • postcodes
  • streets
  • outcodes
  • areas
  • outcodes
  • streets
  • towns
  • areas
  • counties
  • outcodes
  • streets
  • towns
page_number The page number of results to be requested, default 1.
page_size The size of each page of results, default 10, maximum 20.
ordering The ordering direction of results, either "descending" (default) or "ascending".

Generated output

Key name Description
result_count The number of results available for paging through.
Key name Description
name Name associated with the type of output list request, e.g. requesting "streets" may produce "Downing Street".
average_sold_price_1year The average sale price for the requested area within the last year.
average_sold_price_3year The average sale price for the requested area within the 3 years.
average_sold_price_5year The average sale price for the requested area within the 5 years.
average_sold_price_7year The average sale price for the requested area within the 7 years.
number_of_sales_1year Number of property sales in the requested area within the last year.
number_of_sales_3year Number of property sales in the requested area within the 3 years.
number_of_sales_5year Number of property sales in the requested area within the 5 years.
number_of_sales_7year Number of property sales in the requested area within the 7 years.
turnover Percentage turnover for the requested area. The Turnover is calculated by dividing the number of sales over the last 5 years (excluding new build properties) by the number of homes in a given area.
prices_url A link to the appropriate sold prices page on www.zoopla.co.uk